Thursday, October 18, 2012

4 Tips for Preventing Ear Infections

1. Drink Sitting Up

Many moms swear that lying down and drinking can cause fluid build-up in the ears, and Liz H. explains that a child's eustachian tubes are more parallel to the floor (when standing) than an adult's, so lying down can cause fluid to drain down toward the ear.
Ashley B. remembers being told this when her daughter was a baby. While she didn't think much of it at the time, now that he's started getting ear infections, she's doing everything she can to prevent their recurrence, including making sure he's upright when he's drinking from his sippy cup.

2. Avoid Pacifiers

Katherine C. quotes the Mayo Clinic's advisory that "Pacifier use may increase the risk of middle ear infections," and Melissa B. concurs. As she explains, pacifiers can create pressure in the ears, and that pressure can trap any fluid that might be present, causing infection. Her son only uses a pacifier at night, but she feels that this is the most crucial time, and she's trying to wean her son off the binky entirely.


3. Consider Chiropractic Work

Most of us think of chiropractors as people who crack backs, but they've also had a long track record of helping children with chronic ear infections. Connie G.'s son got tremendous relief after a chiropractor carefully massaged around the lymph nodes near his ear, gently tugging the ear lobe down in the direction that would encourage draining.
She also reminds us that, while antibiotics are necessary to treat some infections, many will clear up on their own, and a good chiropractor can make this distinction.

4. Practice Good Hygiene to Prevent Colds

One of the biggest causes of ear infections is secondary infection from a cold or flu, so while it is something you likely already do, a focus on thorough hand washing can help prevent colds from taking hold in the first place. This small step will go along way to preventing the root cause of many infections, some of which, in little kids, will invariably end up in the ears.

In Simple and Melayu :-

  1. Elakkan memberikan susu dengan kedudukan telinga dan badan setara. Meletakkan bantal supaya kepalanya tinggi sedikit amatlah membantu
  2. No no no to PUTING
  3. Urutan dibelakang telinga
  4. KEBERSIHAN di rumah yang boleh menyebabkan selsema
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