Saturday, December 22, 2012

Apa itu Lecithin ?

Bagi yang tidak mengenali Lecithin, Jom kenalinya....
Dan pada yang telah mengenalinya, mari mendalaminya pula..  :)

# I'm using mix language " English and BM " since some terms in can't or a lil bit difficult to be describe in BM...

Anda Suka Daging? Ayam Berlemak ? Masakan Berlemak ? Sup Ekor ? Sup Tulang ? Kambing ???
wahh.. semuanya sedap...dah berapa lama agaknya kita meminati makanan ini ? Wahh... pernah tak terfikir, berapa banyak lemak yang berjaya kita kumpul selama ini ???

# From Wikipedia
Lecithin can easily be extracted chemically (using hexane, ethanol, acetone, petroleum ether, benzene etc.) or mechanically. It is usually available from sources such as soy beans, eggs, milk, marine sources, rapeseed, cottonseed and sunflower. It has low solubility in water but is an excellent emulsifier. In aqueous solution, its phospholipids can form either liposomes, bilayer sheets, micelles, or lamellar structures, depending on hydration and temperature. This results in a type of surfactant that is usually classified as amphipathic. Lecithin is sold as a food supplement and for medical uses.

Lecithin is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for human consumption with the status "generally recognized as safe." Lecithin is admitted by the EU as a food additive, designated by E number E322. Research studies show soy-derived lecithin has significant effects on lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides, while increasing HDL ("good cholesterol") levels in the blood.

Dengan kata lainya, Lecithin amat berguna bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah KOLESTROL @ TEKANAN DARAH TINGGI dan juga amat berguna pada anad semua yang suka makan tapi tidak menjaga pemakanan...

Selain itu, apa lagi khasiatnya... ?

Gallbladder ( pundi hempedu )
  • Lecithin promotes the general health of the gallbladder. It aids in preventing damage to the organ and also prohibits gallstones from forming.
  • Dengan kata lainnya... Batu Karang @ Masalah batu dalam hempedu @ susah buang air...etc

  • Lecithin contains choline, which makes it good to include in the diets of pregnant women. Choline is known to promote a healthy pregnancy and aid in infant development.

Pernahkan kita terfikir, suatu hari nanti..tatkala usia mencecah 40 tahun.. semuanya mungkin agak terlewat bagi kita... kenapa kita tidak mencegah dari awal? kenapa perlu memakanan pil kurus? Pil Darah Tinggi ? sedangkan kita hanya perlu amalkan sahaja LECITHIN dari sekarang...
Mahukan anda mendapat penyakit DARAH TINGGI ? mahukan anda merasai penyakit ANGIN AHMAR ? mahukah anda mengalami masalah PUNDI @ HEMPEDU ?
Anda masih belum terlewat untuk mencegahnya ...
Kenapa Lecithin Shaklee ?

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